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Page 8
Rory bent down to kiss the side of Chad’s neck, knowing it would enflame Casey even further, and sure enough, a big hand came down hard on his shoulder and ripped him away from the pet. Casey put himself between Rory and the confused and frightened boy, but said gently, “Sorry pet, this wolf is playing games with you. Please excuse us. ”
Chad ducked his head, mumbling, “Yes, sir,” and moved quickly away, casting a glance back over his shoulder at Rory. Before Rory could react, Casey turned back to him, took him firmly by the arm, and proceeded to drag him outside.
The cool air hit Rory like a wake-up call as they stepped outside, and he shivered, half from the cold and half from the excitement of Casey being so responsive to jealousy and being so forceful. What had he been doing? He felt guilty for leading Chad on just to make Casey jealous, yet he could feel his cock hardening and his stomach fluttering like a bucket full of butterflies. Casey backed him up against the nearest wall and leaned over him, a hand on either side of his head.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m not doing anything. I was just dancing with a friend. ”
“Dancing with a friend, my ass. You two were practically making out on the dance floor. You belong to me, buddy, and you better get used to the idea. ”
Rory tried to push him away, but it was like trying to push a brick wall. “Leave me alone! First you say I belong to you, whatever that means, and then you say I don’t. Then you come to my room and—damn it, I’m not interested in you! And I’m getting whiplash from your changing moods. ”
“I’m not going to leave you alone, so get used to it. ” Casey cupped Rory’s balls through his jeans and squeezed. Rory yelped in surprise, not pain, and tried to pull away in embarrassment.
Casey squeezed harder. “Stop struggling or you’ll get hurt. ”
Rory gazed up into those green eyes, mesmerized by them. He stopped moving immediately and stood still, trembling all over, his cock throbbing.
“Good boy. Now kiss me. ”
Rory had to stand on tiptoe to reach his lips, and Casey didn’t bend an inch. Kissing Casey while he held his balls in a firm grip was definitely a different experience. He felt controlled and humiliated, but excited too, and his damn, traitorous dick got even harder.
Casey didn’t kiss him back, just stood there while Rory pressed a chaste little kiss to his lips.
“You call that a kiss? I said, kiss me. ”
Rory sighed and stood on tiptoe again, putting both arms around Casey’s neck and pressing his lips firmly against Casey’s. He tried his best to part Casey’s lips with his tongue and nearly despaired before Casey relaxed the tension around his mouth and allowed him access. Rory swept his tongue over his lips and the inside of his mouth, ending with a little lick and a nibble on his lips. That wonderful smell of Casey’s overpowered him again, and his knees sagged a little. Casey relented and put his free arm around Rory’s waist, holding him up.
Casey broke the kiss, and when it was over, Rory slumped, trying to bury his nose in Casey’s neck.
“No more dancing with other boys, you understand? Or girls either. ”
“Okay. ”
Casey gave his balls a little harder squeeze. “Yes, sir. ”
“Yes, sir,” Rory whispered, another little thrill shooting through him.
“Now you’re coming with me to my room. ”
“No!” The idea of leaving with Casey scared Rory to death. He knew exactly what would happen if he went to Casey’s room. The possible repercussions were too scary to deal with. Flirting and kissing were one thing, even Casey visiting him in his room, but to totally surrender to him was quite another. Even though Casey’s aggressiveness gave him a thrill, something deep inside Rory warned that to surrender to him would mean the end of his life as he knew it. He had to be certain he could live with the results before he made that commitment. He wasn’t quite ready to give himself over to someone else like that. He didn’t know if he could do it, and he didn’t trust Casey enough.
Casey still held his balls, so he dropped straight down, tearing himself away. Surprised, Casey stepped back to help him up. Rory head butted him and staggered to his feet. He ran back inside as quickly as he could, not daring to look back to see if Casey was coming after him. He practically ran over to the buffet table, to try to lose himself in the crowd of people hovering around the table. After a few minutes of standing around, filling a plate with desserts he didn’t even want, and listening to the inane chatter around him, his pulse returned to almost normal.
“Well, did you get that out of your system?” Nicky’s voice was at his elbow, sounding amused.
“Leave me alone, Nicky. I need to get out of here. Casey’s beginning to get on my nerves. ”
Nicky leaned closer. “That dominance thing is really more for role-playing in the bedroom, and if you keep pushing him away, he’s liable to really leave you alone. What would you do if you lost Casey?”
Rory glanced up at Nicky in surprise. The idea of Casey breaking off his pursuit had never even occurred to him. The feeling of something like panic at the thought stunned him. They were bloodmates. He glanced around behind him quickly and when he couldn’t locate Casey, butterflies went crazy in his belly again. He was beginning to really hate the stupid feeling.
“He came back in after you, but left when he saw you by the buffet table,” Nicky told him. “He didn’t look very happy, and…”
“And what?”
“He wasn’t alone. He grabbed one of the female pets standing near the door and took her along. He seemed pretty angry. If he were my mate, I’d go after him. ”
Rory handed Nicky his plate. “Will you take care of this for me, Nicky? I think I have something I have to do. ” He thrust the plate at Nicky without waiting for an answer and crossed hurriedly to the door. What the hell did Casey think he was doing? White hot jealousy gripped him as he went directly to Casey’s room. He said no one would ever touch him but Casey. Well the same thing went for him. He was not going to fuck any pet. He could only be seconds ahead of him, and Rory was determined to get rid of the girl, and have this out with Casey once and for all. His earlier feeling of panic was gone. Casey was only giving him a dose of his own medicine, but it worked. He was furious at the thought of his mate with anybody else.
He caught Casey at the door to his room, leading the young, pretty pet inside. Rory caught her by the arm, twisting her gently around to face him. Casey turned in surprise.
Unconsciously, he used almost the same words Casey had used on Chad earlier. “Go back to the common room. This wolf is playing games with you, and I need to talk to him. ”
The girl looked up in confusion at Casey, who leaned against the door frame, a smile playing around his lips. Keeping his gaze on Rory, he spoke to her softly. “Go on, sweetheart. I do need to talk to Rory. Maybe I’ll come find you later. ”
She dropped her head in disappointment and moved away down the corridor, glancing back over her shoulder at the two wolves standing close together in the doorway.
“So talk,” Casey said provocatively. “I thought you made it pretty clear you had no interest in me. ”
“You know that’s not true. I’m confused, Casey, and you don’t help me when you boss me around and act so tough, or when you force your way into my room and practically force me to have oral sex with you. ”
“I didn’t force you, baby. I specifically remember you participating more than willingly, so don’t play that shit with me. You’re a grown man, and you know what you want. I simply showed you how much you wanted me, but you’re too afraid to let it happen. I told you to come to me tonight, and now you have, so I think you want this as much as I do. Do you?”
He pulled Rory into his arms and took control of his mouth, hard at first, grinding against his lips and then easing off some, licking and nipping at him. Rory relaxed into him, loving his
body next to his. Casey pulled his head back and looked down into Rory’s eyes.
“Do you want this, Rory? Be very sure, because there’s no going back. ”
Rory took a deep breath, his shoulders slumping. “Yes, I want it. I’m tired of fighting it— tired of fighting you. I’m scared of losing myself, though, Casey. If I—submit to you—will you be there for me, help me keep myself? Will you do that?”
Casey hesitated a fraction of a second too long, and Rory felt the unease sweep back over him again. Even so, his desire and the singing in his blood wouldn’t let him back out. He loved Casey. Casey loved him. That was all that mattered. Together they could overcome any adjustments that needed to be made.
“Sure I will,” Casey said confidently, smoothly.
Casey stood back, letting Rory go in first. Rory’s gaze fell on the bed, and his throat tightened up a little. He was determined to see this thing through, though, and he turned to face Casey. Casey, who’d been staring at him warily, got a look of grudging respect on his face. He began to unbutton his shirt.
“Maybe you should get out of those clothes, honey. ”
Rory nodded and pulled them off. Once he’d decided to go through with this, he was anxious to begin, anxious to be mated with this big, beautiful wolf, and to see finally what would happen next. His biggest fear had been submitting himself to another wolf’s dominance and power, fear that he would somehow not be a real wolf anymore, but some kind of hybrid pet. If that was to be his fate, he’d have to embrace it. This crazy blood match had left him no easy choice, and he was tired of running from his fate in fear of the unknown. Casey’s blood sang to his and that was really all that mattered in the end. Love had to be all that mattered.
He realized Casey would be dominant, had known from the beginning, but he also knew what Nicky said was true. Casey would belong to him every bit as much as he would belong to Casey. Rory didn’t think Casey knew it yet, and it might be fun to teach him.
When he’d stripped off his clothing, he waited for Casey to tell him what to do next. Casey was in charge for now, and Rory knew he loved every minute of it. Casey was gloriously naked, and for the first time, Rory saw Casey totally bare. He was big all over, that was for sure, and his erect cock was lovely, thick, and dark skinned, rising up out of curly dark hair and curving back toward his stomach. A dark blue vein throbbed down its length, and Rory thought he might want to explore that vein with his tongue. A graceful ridge curved at the tip and unable to stop himself, Rory bent over to sweep his tongue over the ridge.